Your poster @CTOS 2023

ARTIS-Uli Deck

Show Off Your Advocacy Work at CTOS 2023, to the broadest international community of sarcoma experts:

Create and Submit a Poster!

Sarcoma patient advocacy organizations are cordially invited to participate in SPAGN’s poster presentation session that will be held at this year’s CTOS conference. This session is an opportunity for you to showcase your organization and the work you do and present it to a broad audience.

Interested? Read our FAQs below for more information, then check out the Guidelines for Creating a Poster.


  • What should our poster be about? You have a choice: You can either introduce your organization or describe a project.
  • Where will our poster be displayed? Your poster will be displayed at the Patient Advocacy Lounge at CTOS 2023.
  • Who is our audience? Your audience will consist of members of the international sarcoma community attending the conference.
  • Can we submit a poster if our organization is not going to attend CTOS? Yes! You can send your designed poster as printable pdf to Anne at AJ Print in Ireland: The printing of a DIN A1 Poster will cost you 18 Euros plus VAT. All posters will be picked up and displayed in the Patient Advocacy Lounge by us from SPAGN at no additional cost.
    Deadline for sending the posters: Thursday, October 19, 2023.
  • What happens with our posters after the conference? All posters handed in will be displayed on the SPAGN website as a Virtual CTOS Poster Show. Please make sure to send us your poster as .pdf or .jpg to
  • Are there any restrictions? Only with regards to the size of the poster. Please make sure to not exceed the maximum height/size of DIN A1 = 84 x 59 cm = 33 x 23 inches, portrait format.

Guidelines for creating a poster

1. Plan the contents: Decide whether you want to introduce your organization or describe a project. Then select a few key points to cover.

2. Structure the information into sections:

Describing your project: (Mandatory elements are marked with *)

    • Name*
    • Objectives*
    • Implementation / Activities*
    • Benefits for the community
    • Next steps
    • Collaborators

Describing your organization:

    • Name*
    • Objective*
    • Activities*
    • "Lighthouse" Projects

3. Choose visual elements: Photos, images, and illustrations make your poster more attractive and often get your points across better than words. Use boxes or other graphic elements to highlight important information or key messages.

4. Write the text: Use short sentences. Don’t overload the viewer with too much text – less is more. Use bullet points instead of blocks of text whenever possible. Strive for a balance between words and i Proofread your text carefully.

5. Select a layout: Determine the pathway of the eye through the poster -- down columns or along rows. Arrows, pointing hands, numbers, and letters can help clarify the pathway. Look at sample posters for inspiration. Consider using an adaptable poster template or a PowerPoint slide for the basic layout.

6. Give your poster an attractive title: Your poster should have a title in large letters, with the name of your organization underneath it, placed at the top center of the poster. Tip: Good titles often consist of an attention-getting phrase or slogan followed by an informative one, connected with a colon.

7. Include contact information: Add your website address, email address, social media handles, QR codes*. Don’t forget your logo!


When in doubt, edit out – crowded, cluttered posters are difficult to read and are often disregarded by viewers.

Supporting documents

Not at CTOS 2023?

You won’t be at CTOS, but still want to have your poster in the Patient Advocacy Lounge?
No problem!

Send your designed poster as printable pdf to Anne at AJ Print in Ireland:
The printing of a DIN A1 Poster will cost you 18,00Euro plus VAT. All posters will be picked up and displayed in the Patient Advocacy Lounge by us from SPAGN at no additional costs.

Deadline for sending the posters: Thursday, October 19, 2023.

Special offer for early birds

Be quick and send your poster to us directly to The first 20 posters (printable pdfs) will be paid for by SPAGN – no printing costs, no shipping costs!

Virtual Poster Show

All posters handed in will be displayed on the SPAGN website as a Virtual CTOS Poster Show. Please make to send us your poster as pdf or jpg to

Let's show what the sarcoma patient community can do and how powerful it is -
Working together, making a difference!



Photo: Uli Deck/Artis