Blog Team


Meet our dedicated team, driven by a strong commitment to sharing experiences, viewpoints, and resources, all with the goal of fostering stronger connections within the global sarcoma community through our blog, which serves as a platform for amplifying the voices of those affected by sarcoma. Amy, Gabi and Roger work as SPAGN volunteers for the blog editorial team and are sarcoma/GIST patients themselves.

Amy Bruno Lindner
Amy Bruno-Lindner

† June 2024

Amy served on the SPAGN Board for Directors from 2021 to 2023. In this capacity she founded the blog Voices of Sarcoma in October 2022 and has acted as Editor-in-Chief. In 2023, Amy stepped down from both roles, but continues her work on the Editorial Team.  Amy is particularly interested in promoting patient-friendly communication and authors blogs on related topics.  This includes making scientific articles accessible. She also carries out the final quality check of our blogs by proofreading articles prior to publishing.

Amy sadly passed away in June 2024.

ARTIS-Uli Deck// 11.05.2023 - 13.05.2023 - Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network -  13. SPAGN Annual Conference, Dublin- Irland
 -ARTIS-ULI DECK,  Werrabronner Strasse 19 
D-76229 KARLSRUHE TEL:  0049 (0) 721-84 38 77 
FAX:  0049 (0) 721 84 38 93  
Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 7292636
Veröffentlichungen mit Namensnennung: ARTIS-Uli Deck
ARTIS-Uli Deck// 11.05.2023 - 13.05.2023 - Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network - 13. SPAGN Annual Conference, Dublin- Irland -ARTIS-ULI DECK, Werrabronner Strasse 19 D-76229 KARLSRUHE TEL: 0049 (0) 721-84 38 77 FAX: 0049 (0) 721 84 38 93 Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 7292636 E-Mail: Veröffentlichungen mit Namensnennung: ARTIS-Uli Deck
Gabi Ott

Gabi took over the reins of Voices of Sarcoma blog in January 2023. Previously as editor and now as Editor-in-Chief, she has contributed tremendously to the success of the blog. Her ambition is to give a platform for the SPAGN member groups from all over the world and to support a global exchange on sarcoma related issues and advocacy work.

ARTIS-Uli Deck// 11.05.2023 - 13.05.2023 - Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network -  13. SPAGN Annual Conference, Dublin- Irland
 -ARTIS-ULI DECK,  Werrabronner Strasse 19 
D-76229 KARLSRUHE TEL:  0049 (0) 721-84 38 77 
FAX:  0049 (0) 721 84 38 93  
Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 7292636
Veröffentlichungen mit Namensnennung: ARTIS-Uli Deck
ARTIS-Uli Deck// 11.05.2023 - 13.05.2023 - Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network - 13. SPAGN Annual Conference, Dublin- Irland -ARTIS-ULI DECK, Werrabronner Strasse 19 D-76229 KARLSRUHE TEL: 0049 (0) 721-84 38 77 FAX: 0049 (0) 721 84 38 93 Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 7292636 E-Mail: Veröffentlichungen mit Namensnennung: ARTIS-Uli Deck
Roger Wilson

Roger serves on the SPAGN Board as honorary president. He has been writing about sarcoma and his experiences as a patient and advocate for over 20 years. His advocacy takes him to healthcare areas where sarcoma and its treatments are discussed and decided. As a founding member of SPAGN he has been an integral part of the blog team, in which his expertise shines through as a regular contributor.

ARTIS-Uli Deck
Cory Archibald

Cory Archibald joined the SPAGN team in March 2023 as Director of Communications with enthusiasm and a fresh perspective. She has also become an active contributor to the blog in sharing valuable insights and engaging content with our audience. In addition, Cory is responsible for the promotion of the blog in social media.