New Horizons GIST 2020 – GOES virtual


Header NHGIST 2020 Berlin

The corona virus has dramatically changed our private lives and our lives as Patient Advocates worldwide. So, also NEW HORIZONS GIST 2020 was held virtually! 

As many of you have already experienced: NEW HORIZONS GIST is a great opportunity where “GIST Patient Advocates / GIST Patient Group Leaders” from around the world are coming together – this time virtually!

NH GIST 2020 Screenshot participants
Over 60 particpants from almost 20 countries came together online. 10 speakers were joining us!
Speakers NH 2020
The first ever virtual New Horizons GIST Patient Advocacy Meeting has come to an end – we had three intensive half days with brilliant speakers and a lot of interesting questions from the community. Many international – LEADING GIST-Experts have provide insights into GIST basics including diagnosis, treatment, care and research issues as well as more in-depth knowledge and latest developments and most pressing questions. At the maximum we had 63 participants which is the highest number of attendees at a New Horizons GIST meeting ever! See the presentations and recordings below.
We also plan to have special “Patient Advocacy Sessions” (Capacity Building) for GIST and Sarcoma Patient Advocates in early 2021. More information will follow shortly.

If you have any questions, please e-mail to


GIST Episode 1: Introduction – Overview
Speaker: Hans Gelderblom, NL
Presentation Download
Video Recording
GIST Episode 2: Biology – Genetics – Pathology
Speaker: David Josephy, CDN
Presentation Download
Video Recording
GIST Episode 3: Localized, operable primary tumor
Speaker: Peter Reichardt, DE
Presentation Download
Video Recording

GIST Episode 4: Metastatic (advanced) disease
Speaker: Albiruni Razak, CDN

Presentation Download
Video Recording

GIST Episode 5: Progression of metastatic disease under drug treatment
Speaker: Breelyn Wilky, US

Presentation Download
Video Recording

GIST Episode 6: Introducing new treatment options in GIST
Speaker: Jon Trent, US

Presentation Download
Video Recording

GIST Episode 7: Challenges in approaching a non-KIT/PDGFR mutated GIST    
Speaker: Ramesh Bulusu & Ruth Casey, UK        

Presentation Download
Video Recording

GIST Episode 8: Following the research journey in GIST
Speaker: Robin Jones, UK

Presentation Download
Video Recording

GIST Episode 9: Quality of diagnosis, treatment & care
Speaker: Gina D’Amato, US

Presentation Download
Video Recording

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