From chaos to control: Three decades in the continuum of care

We celebrate with V Care 30 years of patient advocacy work in Mumbai, India and other states! Integral part of this pioneering cancer patient association is Spandan, a welcoming space for those affected by sarcoma. Spandan means ‘heartbeat’ in English. Vandana Gupta, founder of V Care, explains their mission, success and lessons learnt along the way.

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What is a sarcoma specialist center?

On May 13, 2024, SPAGN published a paper in “Cancers” on the definition, core principles and features of a sarcoma specialist center, developed by patient advocates and healthcare professionals together. The management of sarcomas in specialist centers delivers significant benefits. In much of the world, specialists are not available, and the development of expertise is…

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Join the SPAGN Editorial Blog Team: Volunteer Job Opportunity

VOLUNTEER JOB POSTING: Editors for the SPAGN Blog” Voices of Sarcoma” We are looking for volunteers to serve on the Editorial team of SPAGN’s blog “Voices of Sarcoma”.   Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network (SPAGN) is the global network of national sarcoma patient advocacy organizations. Uniting more than 65 member groups from five continents, SPAGN…

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My lumpy life as a young adult

“After a shower, I noticed an odd lump on my left hip. Two weeks passed, but Lumpy—the name I declared this mysterious lump—remained. Luckily, I had a when in doubt, check it out mentality…” Read about Matt’s sarcoma journey and find out why sarcoma is like skydiving.

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Somos raros, mas juntos somos mas fortes!

Juntas, duas pacientes brasileiras com tumor desmoide, Carolina Menezes e Georgia Garofalo, fundaram a Desmoide Brasil em 2021. Desde então, a Desmoide Brasil tem – entre outras iniciativas — organizado simpósios, montado exposições, lançado um registro de pacientes, escrito um livreto de boas-vindas para novos pacientes, e estabelecido uma comunidade online ativa no Facebook e WhatsApp. Sua história é uma inspiração!

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We are rare, but together we are stronger!

Together, two Brazilian desmoid tumor patients, Carolina Menezes and Georgia Garofalo, founded Desmoide Brasil in 2021. In the years since then, Desmoide Brasil has – among other things — hosted symposia, organized an exhibition, launched a patient registry, penned a welcoming booklet for new patients, and established a thriving online community on Facebook and WhatsApp. Their story is an inspiration!

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EU-X-CT – Patient Questionnaire – Borders should not be barriers to clinical trials

The EU-X-CT initiative aims at revolutionizing patient access to clinical trials across borders. But before we delve into the project details, we want to emphasize something crucial – your participation! The data is being collected through a Patient Questionnaire which is available in multiple languages. Your insights are invaluable in understanding the current landscape of…

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Should I join a clinical trial?

When you have been diagnosed with sarcoma you are faced with making important, and at times daunting decisions about treatment. Amongst the treatment choices, a clinical trial may be an option. But how do you know if it is a good option for you? Is it something you should even consider? Denise Reinke asks 6 key questions about clinical trials and provides helpful answers for sarcoma patients to consider.

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