New Horizons GIST 2023

NEW HORIZONS GIST is the most important global annual conference for GIST patient advocates. At NEW HORIZONS GIST, patients from the global GIST patient community come together, can interact with top GIST experts, have access to state‐of‐the‐art medical and scientific information and can exchange best practice in patient advocacy among each other. The conference is a balanced symbiosis of medical content, advocacy topics and capacity building sessions. After more than 2 years living under the restrictions of the pandemic, we held the NEW HORIZONS GIST conference as a hybrid meeting in Dublin, Ireland - for the first time in conjunction with the SPAGN Annual Conference.
Read our report here.
Watch the recordings here.
Please find below the recordings!
How to treat GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors) qualified today? The previous therapy algorithms: overview and changes/innovations (Robin Jones, UK):
Scientific evidence and expert evidence (= practical clinical experience) with the two latest approved GIST therapies (Jon Trent, USA):
GIST-Patients urgently need innovations and improvements for survival and better quality of life. What are the top research questions/priorities from the patient-perspective? Let's identify and prioritize unanswered questions or evidence uncertainties in GIST!:
Right from the start, GISTs were one of the first cancer diseases for “precision oncology”. That means: The right therapy for specific mutations/target structures. One challenge today are rare and very rare
GIST subtypes (Florian Haller; Ramesh Bulusu; Jayne Bressington):