Spain: Sarcoma Patients Spanish Association/Asociación Española de Afectados por Sarcoma (AEAS)
Spain: Sarcoma Patients Spanish Association/Asociación Española de Afectados por Sarcoma (AEAS)

Organisation profile
AEAS, the Sarcoma Patients Spanish Association, is a non profit organization that advocates on behalf of people affected by sarcoma. It was set up in 2008, in Madrid, by a group of sarcoma patients and their relatives, aiming to provide support not only to patients but also to their caregivers and, in general, to anyone involved with sarcomas.
Our mission is to promote the following activities:
- Referring patients to experienced doctors and health centres, and providing referrals for medical second opinions.
- Providing accurate information to share knowledge and training of sarcoma care.
- Clinical research, treatment options and clinical trials diffusion, in order to make available as much knowledge as possible.
- Collaborative links, serving as a bridge among patients, doctors, researchers, drug companies, public administration and funding agencies.
Giving the rarity of this disease we are seeking to grow our network of doctors, researchers and patients all over the country. This is particularly important for patients, to avoid facing the situation all alone, since there are often no other patients in the nearby area. It is important to highlight that we work together with Mari Paz Jiménez Casado Foundation, supporting common goals. Mari Paz was our former President, a born fighter, working hard for at least nine years, not only insisting on defeating sarcoma, but trying to relieve others pain, that as her, suffered the disease consequences.
Contact Information
Asociación Española de Afectados por Sarcoma (AEAS)
Key Contacts
Presidente: Jose Luis Muñoz
Vicepresidente: Dr. Antonio Casado
Secretario: Orlando Dámaso
General Information
Year of establishment:
SPAGN member since:
No. of members: